The House in the Cerulean Sea
TJ Klune has a nice way of setting up the scene and describing characters as they are introduced for the first time in the story. The author uses colors, shapes and feel to describe a person. For example (look at thin line, lipstick looked like blood, black pantsuit, skin stretched too tightly in the lines below):
“Ms. Jenkins reached his desk, her mouth a thin line. As was her wont, she appeared to have applied her makeup rather liberally in the dark without the benefit of a mirror. The heavy rouge on her cheeks was magenta, and her lipstick looked like blood. She wore a black pantsuit, the buttons of which were closed all the way up to just under her chin. She was as thin as a dream, made up of sharp bones covered in skin stretched too tightly.”
I find the use of the metaphor thin as a dream intriguing. A creative way to describe dreams!